So, following on from my first go at Camera Rotations – I had another go, but this time I changed the set-up to enable a smoother movement.
This time it involved a much simpler set up with my camera on the tripod set very low to the floor, with the camera attached to the tripod head so that it was pointing straight up. This meant that only one head was needed and using the equatorial mount was much easier and smoother resulting in no lens wobble.
The lights were then suspended above in a triangle formation as close the ceiling of the room as I could get them. The images below showcase varying degrees of rotation, with some colour editing in post production.

Slow start to create the brighter tips

Red applied

With some blue added

A short rotation

Short rotation with blue

Green Colouring, with over 360 of degrees Camera Rotation
As is the usual case – These images are available to buy as prints, with more displayed in the Featured Projects – just Get in Touch with your requirements.
When time allows it – All the images featuring Camera Rotations will also be added to my Hi-Res Galleries in 500px for full screen viewing.